Happy Halloween! If you get inspired by this post and want to recreate this project you better hurry because Halloween is only four days away! I say this as someone who just barely finished this project in time for its intended holiday. It is going to look pretty awesome for these next few days though.
Pretty sure this was originally a Martha Stewart idea but then again, what isn't now a days. Martha, you wily dame. This Halloween wreath only requires two things, a plain stick wreath and snakes of various sizes. If either the wreath or snakes are not black, fix this with matte black spray paint.
This snake close up is for my friend/nemesis Ed who hates snakes. Though I don't think he even reads this blog. Which makes it a lot funnier to me. These pictures are just out in the world now, waiting to be discovered.
Hi, friend! |
Pictured below is the now black wreath along with a package of already black tiny snakes that was also picked up from Dollar tree. The large snakes are drying in the garage during this picture.
Again, this one's for you Ed.
Let's be BFFs! |
To add the snakes to the wreath, I wove them through the sticks that made up the wreath. No glue required.
In this picture, you can see how the snakes are woven through the branches of the wreath to hold them in place.
AH! Spooky snake wreath! Taken at night to help add to the spookiness. Or because that's when I took the picture and didn't want to wait till tomorrow since Halloween is already so close.
Close up shot of the wreath. To hang the wreath, I used a clear 3M hook. I was skeptical on these hooks only because the last time I used them to hang my belts up in the closet all my belts fell down. Could be because I never waited the required hour before hanging something on them. Directions, it turns out, are sometimes there for a reason.
Another closer up. I hate you Ed.
So this turned out pretty cool, right? I like the monochromatic look. From far away, it looks like a regular black wreath. Unassuming. Unthreatening. Then BAM! Snakes all up in that door decoration.
Watch out for snakes.