
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

No crafts but how about some kitties?

Around a month or so ago, I made a personal goal for this blog where I would post something at least once a week (preferably on Monday or Tuesday) with the intention of building up a backlog of projects so I wasn’t scrambling each week to share something.  Said backlog is still non-existent, obviously, or I’d have something to share. 

Despite my lack of a crafty adventure to share, a goal is a goal so here are some pictures of my cats plus more information about them than you probably ever wanted to know.  Kitties fix all problems, right?

First came Yigs.  Can anyone name that literary reference?  We picked her out from our local humane society.  Well, actually, my husband (boyfriend at the time) picked her out.  I mostly stood in front of the cages staring at all the cats wanting desperately to bring them all home and finally fulfill my destiny as an insane cat lady. 

If I fall asleep on the couch, this is the face I wake up to.

Here she is practicing her impression of Frankenstein's monster.  She sits with her arms straight out constantly.  When she's on the top tier of the cat tower with her arms out, I like to run by and give her high fives.

Here she is hiding during a thunderstorm.  I also wanted to show how runty she is despite being full grown. 

Barely bigger than the husband's shoe.
Then we brought Hobbes home from the Pet Overpopulation Prevention group where I actually managed to pick and choose this new furry friend.  It was a pretty easy decision once I spotted the stump tail.    

Stump tails are magical
 Luckily, the two cats acclimated to each other pretty quickly and are now best friends forever

Behind that look of murderous rage is pure love
The only bump in this friendship is when we found out Hobbes was a carrier of ringworm without having any actual symptoms.  Yigs was not so lucky since she started going bald on one ear and had to be given daily baths until it cleared up.

Like most pet owners, our cats have a million nicknames because half the fun of having a pet is calling it stupid shit.  I imagine it's similar to having a child.  The one nickname I will share is Hobbes's most appropriate.  Blobert.  The below pictures are why.

I also called this look The Dead Bug Feet

Blobbing it up Blobert style.

A dryer that's running is also a favorite spot for some blobbing about.  Cat version of a heated massage chair?

Finally, I leave you with a picture that sums my two favorite fuzz balls perfectly.

Yigs creepily staring from her perch while Hobbes blobs it up.
Those are the kitties.  Hobbes has already made several appearances throughout this blog but I don't think Yigs is in any pictures.  She's usually perched behind me somewhere staring with those giant unblinking eyes whereas Hobbes is always up into everything.

Come back next week for something crafty related or more pictures of my cats depending on how busy I am this weekend. 


  1. The development of pet nicknames is the best! Our family cat Otis eventually became Bloatis (he was a very plump kitteh), which eventually became Bloatenhiem, which eventually became Bloatily-own-doedily-odle.

  2. I remember Otis! He was a great kitty. Our kitteh nicknames haven't gotten anywhere near that long/awesome but I'm sure it's heading that way.

  3. LOL. the picture of him after the bath is adorable!

    Jan @door251

  4. Thanks Jan! Yea, giving her the baths were almost worth how cute & tiny she looked afterwards. I hopped over to your blog and the upholstery job you did on the wingback chair was amazing! I've wanted to tackle that project for a while now but have been too intimidated.
